About Pixy Productions
Pixy Productions is a collaboritive service brand helmed by Lee Bishman and Larry Farr. Lee's background in sound and ongoing investment into quality productions helps Pixy Productions maintain positioning as a choice midwest regional service provider.

Larry's experience includes serving as Chief Monitor Engineer and Systems Tech, and he's held E-1 (LD) position overseeing exapnsive lighting for national acts. Larry's also led audio as the A-1 for Barbra B. Mann Performing Arts, and his diviersified experience ranges from the Carlton-Ritz and Naples Philharmnic to Jackpot Junction Casino Hotel. He is also a former I.A.S.T.E member.

Client lists are held semi-confidentially. Contact Pixy Productions today to find sound help and more for your event. Send an E-mail to info@pixyproductions.com, and we hope to hear from you.